Saturday, February 2, 2008

The House To Be

Since everyone at Agave can watch the daily progress on our house, we thought it would be cool to show everybody the end goal. Rob build these images in Sketchup, based on the floor plans the builder gave us. He even found the exact paint colors and applied them to the model. Our colors are Majestic Ridge (red), Raw Earth (brown), and Chopped Celery (pale green).


Jeff Joiner said...

Love the colors! Looking forward to having you as neighbors.


sybil said...

i second the "love the colors" vote! such a cool house, look forward to your move!
(5338 sendero hills, brown, red and blue emily little house)

Unknown said...

i love your house and have been waiting for your blog since they started building it.

welcome to blogging and hope to meet you soon,
margaret, james and kai
5332 agatha circle
kevin stewart 1880

Unknown said...

Hey Lori & Rob,

Your House looks awesome. Congratulations on the new place. I was looking at the PCA website and saw that you were no longer with PCA. So I searched your name and this blog came up. I am sooo happy for you guys. Miss you guys.

Maria (Former member of the PCA crew)