Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Closing in Texas

We did it! We closed on Monday, and the last 3 days have been spent moving, packing, unpacking, cleaning, driving all over town....typical moving in stuff.

All that business is sooo worth it- the house is amazing. Pretty surreal being in a place you've been dreaming about for a year and a half. Neighbors are cool- but we already knew that. A few of them stopped by for a beer on the deck and the sunset. All agreed that we have the best view in Agave.

Our punch list is pretty short- nothing major to fix or adjust. A few of the outlets in the kitchen don't work, and the fence needs to be completed. The contractor is still coming out to the house to water the yard- the grass gets yellow quick w/ all this sun.

A few things that I would guess are unique to Texas in a real estate closing:

1. Your property is called your HOMESTEAD.

2. There's a whole section of documents on SQUATTER'S RIGHTS. they actually asked if we noticed anyone campin out on our "homestead".

3. We do not have the rights to the "minerals" that may or may not be present on our property. Translation: If it turns out there is oil on our property, we do not have the right to drill it. We had to sign something that stated we promise NOT TO DRILL FOR OIL.

Only in Texas. (but please correct me if I'm wrong).

Moral of the story: The house rocks and it was well worth the wait. You're all invited anytime, doesn't matter if you have to fly, drive or walk- just get here! We'll be on the balcony with a glass of wine.


Unknown said...

you'll have to change your profile on states you still live in Beantown.

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeeet. I'll be on the couch shortly.

-jason w

a.times.4 (Alana and Alex on Agatha in Agave) said...

actually, I'm pretty sure you might be able to drill, but you are just gonna have to give up any black gold and Texas tea to the state should you actually hit it. Because of this fact, I'm fairly certain they'd LOVE you to go ahead and drill. That said, I'm not entirely certain the HOA would want the big oil drill in your backyard. But that could go either way I guess. Yes, the closing docs get more and more interesting every time someone sues the lender or title company...because then they add 5 more pages. My favorite doc that you dont see with every lender is the one that you have to sign saying "I state that this signature is my real signature and how I typically sign it" so, if you are signing your signature some random way, and then sign that page the random way too...does it really mean anything? I also like the squatters rights page though too saying the title company didn't check for squatters in your house so if you have em, they're yours to keep and deal with...not the fault of the title company. Precious.
LOVE your hissssouse
and it does indeed have the best view
until we build our tower. :-)