Sunday, March 9, 2008

We're on Our Way! (well, at least 1 of us is)

Guess what everybody!?!?! I'm comin home! I just finished booking a 1-way flight to Houston for March 19th! I'm stopping through Houston to pick up my mom's car (since there will be no walkin or taking the T in Texas!), and then heading to Austin! I'll be staying w/ my sister, her boyfriend and their child Ruby (a Rodesian Ridgeback puppy) for a few weeks. And, I'm hoping to start a contract position w/ a design firm there by the end of the month.

This isn't the way I exactly planned to be coming back- certainly didn't plan on coming w/out Rob, but he's going to stay in Boston for a month tops, while we wait for the dang loft to sell. There's alot more to the story, but the moral is THE STEPNOSKI'S ARE FINALLY COMIN TO TEXAS. And it's about time (no offense, Boston).

See y'all soon!


Unknown said...

holy beans! when are you actually arriving in a-town?

Unknown said...

if only one stepnoski comes to town, is it a stepnoskus?

NetNomad said...

Welcome to Austin! Enjoy the weather while it lasts. :)

Marckus said...

bye bye boston, that's the mantra.
haha. hopefully in the not too distant future, maybe Michelle and I will make it out to visit. I think Texas is closer to LA than Boston, haha.
Safe Travels Lori!!
Hopefully we shall see you at Whislter! haha we shall see.